Free to Members

The EuroSafe Webinars Series 2023 are FREE to ESR members.

Live streaming

The course will be available on the ESR Connect platform.

Video on Demand

On-demand access will be available through the ESR Premium Education Package after ECR 2024.

EuroSafe Imaging Webinars 2023 series

We are pleased to announce a new EuroSafe Imaging 2023 webinar series: radiation protection into clinical perspectives. Each webinar will cover radiation protection aspects for different topics, including radiation protection in paediatric imaging, interventional neuroradiology, as well as radiation protection of pregnant patients and pregnant staff. Each webinar will include presentations from a radiologist, a radiographer and a medical physicist. These webinars were CME-accredited and free for ESR members.


September 5, 2023 | 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Click here to register!

Course information

The programme of this webinar will introduce radiation protection and cover dose descriptors for radiography, fluoroscopy and CT; dose quantities in medical imaging; and dose reporting in medical imaging.  It is aimed at radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists who want to improve their skills in

  • Radiation protection and optimisation in medical imaging
  • Understanding the use of dose descriptors

The webinar includes presentations from medical experts (one presentation will be delivered by a radiologist, one by a radiographer and one by a medical physicist), live online assessments, and a live Q&A discussion (based on audience questions).

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives

  • To understand the dose descriptors in each medical imaging modality
  • To know how to use dose descriptors in the report of the medical imaging procedure
  • To understand the importance of radiation protection and optimisation in medical imaging


18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and introduction
D. Akata, Ankara/TR
18:05 – 18:20 Dose descriptors for radiography, fluoroscopy and CT
J. Santos Coimbra/PT
18:20 – 18:35 Dose quantities in medical imaging: from concept to clinical use
M. Kortesniemi, Helsinki/FI
18:35 – 18:50 Dose quantities in medical imaging: from concept to clinical use
I. Apine, Riga/LV
18:50 – 19:00 MCQ Assessment
19:00 – 19:25 Live Q&A from the audience
D. Akata, Ankara/TR
19:25 – 19:30 Conclusion and key messages
D. Akata, Ankara/TR
19:30 Adjurn & Webinar evaluation


September 19, 2023 | 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Click here to register!

Course information

The programme of this webinar will cover dose reduction tools and strategies in paediatric radiography, optimisation principles in paediatric radiography, establishment and implementation of diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for radiography in paediatric patients.  It is aimed at radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists who want to improve their skills in:

  • Radiation protection and optimisation in paediatric radiography
  • Implementing Diagnostic Reference Levels in paediatric imaging.

The webinar includes presentations from medical experts (one presentation will be delivered by a radiologist, one by a radiographer and one by a medical physicist), live online assessments, and a live Q&A discussion (based on audience questions).

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives

  • To understand key dose reduction tools and strategies for radiography in paediatric imaging.
  • To become familiar with the optimisation principles in radiography.
  • To learn how to establish and implement Diagnostic Reference Levels in paediatric imaging.


18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and introduction
S. Foley, Dublin/IE
18:05 – 18:20 Dose reduction tools and strategies
J. Eaton, London/GB
18:20 – 18:35 Optimisation principles
C. Schareck, Lübeck/DE
18:35 – 18:50 Establishment and implementation of Diagnostic Reference Levels for radiography in paediatric patients
S. Salerno, Palermo/IT
18:50 – 19:00 MCQ Assessment
19:00 – 19:25 Live Q&A from the audience
S. Foley, Dublin/IE
19:25 – 19:30 Conclusion and key messages
S. Foley, Dublin/IE
19:30 Adjurn & Webinar evaluation


October 3, 2023 | 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Click here to register!

Course information

The programme of this webinar will cover dose reduction strategies in paediatric CT, paediatric CT acquisition parameters and optimal clinical protocols, and paediatric DRLs based on clinical indications.  It is aimed at radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists who want to improve their skills in:

  • Radiation protection and optimisation in paediatric CT examinations
  • Using DRLs based on clinical indications for CT

The webinar includes presentations from medical experts (one presentation will be delivered by a radiologist, one by a radiographer and one by a medical physicist), live online assessments, and a live Q&A discussion (based on audience questions).

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives

  • To learn the effects of CT acquisition parameters on radiation dose and image quality.
  • To understand key dose reduction strategies for CT examinations
  • To become familiar with optimal CT protocols for common clinical indications
  • To understand the utility of using DRLs based on clinical indications for CT


18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and introduction
D. Akata, Ankara/TR
18:05 – 18:20 Dose reduction tools and strategies
K. Caikovska, Riga/LV
18:20 – 18:35 CT acquisition parameters and optimal clinical protocols
G. Roic, Zagreb/HR
18:35 – 18:50 DRLs based on clinical indications
J. Guðjónsdóttir, Reykjavik/IS
18:50 – 19:00 MCQ Assessment
19:00 – 19:25 Live Q&A from the audience
D. Akata, Ankara/TR
19:25 – 19:30 Conclusion and key messages
D. Akata, Ankara/TR
19:30 Adjurn & Webinar evaluation


October 17, 2023 | 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Click here to register!

Course information

The programme of this webinar will cover dose reduction strategies in paediatric FGI, dose management in paediatric FGI, Benefit-Risk communication strategies in paediatric FGI.  It is aimed at radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists who want to improve their skills in:

  • Radiation protection and optimisation in paediatric interventional procedures
  • Communicating risk effectively to patients

The webinar includes presentations from medical experts (one presentation will be delivered by a radiologist, one by a radiographer and one by a medical physicist), live online assessments, and a live Q&A discussion (based on audience questions).

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives

  • To consider dose management in FGI including both stochastic and tissue reactions with associated trigger levels
  • To review optimal strategies for patient dose optimisation
  • To understand evidence-based risk communication strategies for informing patients of radiation risks


18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and introduction
J. Andersson, Umeå/SE
18:05 – 18:20 Dose reduction strategies in FGI
L. Davies, London/GB
18:20 – 18:35 Dose management in FGI
P. Wiggermann, Braunschweig/DE
18:35 – 18:50 Benefit-Risk communication strategies
Ayca Karaosmanoglu, Ankara/TR
18:50 – 19:00 MCQ Assessment
19:00 – 19:25 Live Q&A from the audience
J. Andersson, Umeå/SE
19:25 – 19:30 Conclusion and key messages
J. Andersson, Umeå/SE
19:30 Adjurn & Webinar evaluation


October 31, 2023 | 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Click here to register!

Course information

The programme of this webinar will cover dose reduction tools in interventional neuroradiology, optimisation principles in interventional neuroradiology, diagnostic reference levels based on clinical indications and dose reporting in interventional neuroradiology.  It is aimed at radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists who want to improve their skills in:

  • Radiation protection and optimisation in interventional neuroradiology
  • Establishing Diagnostic Reference Levels for interventional procedures

The webinar includes presentations from medical experts (one presentation will be delivered by a radiologist, one by a radiographer and one by a medical physicist), live online assessments, and a live Q&A discussion (based on audience questions).

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives

  • To understand current interventional neuroradiology technological tools for dose reduction
  • To understand the importance of radiation protection and optimisation in IR
  • To learn how to establish Diagnostic Reference Levels


18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and introduction
G. Paulo, Coimbra/PT
18:05 – 18:20 Dose reduction tools
J. Binghay, Dublin/IE
18:20 – 18:35 Optimisation principles
Christoffer Granberg, Umeå/SE
18:35 – 18:50 Diagnostic Reference Levels based on clinical indications and dose reporting
Christina Iosif, Nicosia/CY
18:50 – 19:00 MCQ Assessment
19:00 – 19:25 Live Q&A from the audience
G. Paulo, Coimbra/PT
19:25 – 19:30 Conclusion and key messages
G. Paulo, Coimbra/PT
19:30 Adjurn & Webinar evaluation


November 14, 2023 | 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Click here to register!

Course information

The programme of this webinar will cover managing occupational exposure in interventional neuroradiology; radiation effects on patients and staff in FGI; and typical values in FGI, trigger levels, follow-up and reporting events.  It is aimed at radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists who want to improve their skills in:

  • Radiation protection and optimisation in interventional neuroradiology
  • Understanding trigger levels and how to implement a follow up and notification process

The webinar includes presentations from medical experts (one presentation will be delivered by a radiologist, one by a radiographer and one by a medical physicist), live online assessments, and a live Q&A discussion (based on audience questions).

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives

  • To understand the level of occupational exposure in IR and how to develop strategies to decrease it
  • To be aware of the effects of ionising radiation in patients and staff
  • To learn about the concept of trigger levels and how to implement a follow up and notification process


18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and introduction
G. Paulo, Coimbra/PT
18:05 – 18:20 Managing occupational exposure in interventional neuroradiology
G. Paulo, Coimbra/PT
18:20 – 18:35 Radiation effects on patients and staff in FGI
Alexander Schegerer, Zurich/CH
18:35 – 18:50 Diagnostic Reference Levels based on clinical indications and dose reporting
Christina Iosif, Nicosia/CY
18:50 – 19:00 MCQ Assessment
19:00 – 19:25 Live Q&A from the audience
Moderation: G. Paulo, Coimbra/PT
19:25 – 19:30 Conclusion and key messages
G. Paulo, Coimbra/PT
19:30 Adjurn & Webinar evaluation


November 28, 2023 | 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Click here to register!

Course information

The programme of this webinar will cover dose to the foetus from radiography, CT and FGI; dose reduction strategies in imaging of pregnant patients, Benefit-Risk communication strategies in imaging of pregnant patients. It is aimed at radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists who want to improve their skills in:

  • Radiation protection and optimisation in imaging of pregnant patients
  • Understanding evidence-based risk communication strategies for informing patients of radiation risks

The webinar includes presentations from medical experts (one presentation will be delivered by a radiologist, one by a radiographer and one by a medical physicist), live online assessments, and a live Q&A discussion (based on audience questions).

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives

  • To learn about dose to foetus levels in diagnostic imaging
  • To review optimal strategies for patient dose reduction in diagnostic imaging
  • To understand evidence-based risk communication strategies for informing patients of radiation risks


18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and introduction
S. Foley, Dublin/IE
18:05 – 18:20 Dose to the foetus from radiography, CT and FGI
Ivana Kralik, Dubrava/HR
18:20 – 18:35 Dose reduction strategies
Moreno Zanardo, Milan/IT
18:35 – 18:50 Benefit-Risk communication strategies
Jelena Popić , Zagreb/HR
18:50 – 19:00 MCQ Assessment
19:00 – 19:25 Live Q&A from the audience
Moderation: S. Foley, Dublin/IE
19:25 – 19:30 Conclusion and key messages
S. Foley, Dublin/IE
19:30 Adjurn & Webinar evaluation


December 12, 2023 | 18:00 – 19:30 CET
Click here to register!

Course information

The programme of this webinar will cover international guidelines about exposure of pregnant staff professionally exposed to ionising radiation, strategies to reduce occupational exposure of pregnant staff, and dose monitoring of pregnant staff.  It is aimed at radiologists, radiographers, and medical physicists who want to improve their skills in:

  • Radiation protection and occupational dose reduction for pregnant staff
  • Optimal personal dose monitoring in interventional radiology

The webinar includes presentations from medical experts (one presentation will be delivered by a radiologist, one by a radiographer and one by a medical physicist), live online assessments, and a live Q&A discussion (based on audience questions).

Duration: 90 minutes

Learning objectives

  • To become familiar with guidelines and legislation related to pregnant staff exposed to ionising radiation
  • To review optimal strategies for occupational dose reduction for pregnant staff
  • To consider the importance of optimal personal dose monitoring in IR


18:00 – 18:05 Welcome and introduction
B. Brkljacic, Zagreb/HR
18:05 – 18:20 International guidelines about exposure of pregnant staff professionally exposed to ionising radiation
Ayca Karaosmanoglu, Ankara/TR
18:20 – 18:35 Strategies to reduce occupational exposure of pregnant staff
Silvia Svetlic, Milan/IT
18:35 – 18:50 Dose monitoring of pregnant staff
Paddy Gilligan, Dublin/IE
18:50 – 19:00 MCQ Assessment
19:00 – 19:25 Live Q&A from the audience
Moderation: B. Brkljacic, Zagreb/HR
19:25 – 19:30 Conclusion and key messages
B. Brkljacic, Zagreb/HR
19:30 Adjurn & Webinar evaluation

CME accreditation

Each course has been granted 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®) by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), which is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS),

Certificates with CME credits will be issued only after watching the live stream and completing an online evaluation form.

No CME credits will be available for watching on demand.